Wow! Holy Spirit took me back to something I wrote November 2010 during meditation this morning.
Joshua 6: 10 & 16
Do not give a war cry, do not raise your voices, do not say a word until the day I tell you to shout (ruwa). Then shout (Ruwa)!
Shout! for the LORD has given you the city.
Psalm 46:10 Be still and know I am God!
Ruwa Means an ear splitting (earthquake) sound. A sound which shakes the earth such as when a jet brakes the sound bearer.
There is a ruwa - shout of victory - within us. It is the dynamic authority in Jesus within. The power "Dumas" we have been given. God's grace when we proclaim the word of God and come in agreement with that word it becomes like the shout of victory or ruwa in the heavens. The effect is like when the Israelites in unison shouted and the walls of Jericho fell. The enemy was plundered.
In the spirit when we release that cry the heavens move and the enemy scatters because it is an explosive power. The Jericho battle was a physical manifestation of what God was doing on their behalf in Heaven. The people in their obedience united with Heaven and the miraculous happened.
Power in the inner man - Jesus taught if we say to the mountain be moved and have faith it will be moved into the sea.
Heaven moves for the man who has a shout of victory in their spirit.
The word says God has given us everything we need to live this life. This extraordinary life. Mountain moving life. Jericho wall falling life, over coming life..
I believe the Spirit is say to the churches "It is time to SHOUT (RUWA)!"
Father God if I am hearing your Spirit correctly it is time to shout! Many of your intercessors are weary of walking, and waiting for the instruction to shout. It is in the waiting you have refined us and molded us into the warrior who can shout a shout of victory. I ask for the revelation to be poured out on your church saying it is time to shout a cry of victory even though we may not see or feel like victory is here. Give us the faith of the Israelites as they obediently marched not making a sound. Obediently marching and never falling out of formation. We may feel we are weak but I feel spiritually we look a lot more impressive to the enemy than what we believe. Pour out your GRACE that overcoming GRACE upon your dry and thirsty church. Marching has made us dry and thirsty. We need you to release your mighty river. It is amazing the Israelites crossed the Jordan at flood level to get to Jericho. Father march us through the river and release us to SHOUT. Amen
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