Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday, 10/24/12
Today in prayer Holy Spirit talked to me about something He prompted us to pray about yesterday during women's prayer.  Holy Spirit prompted us to pray for the ears of certain individuals, leadership, and the body of Christ.  Holy Spirit talked to me about football.  Yes football.  The big question is why me?  I have no interest in football. 
Holy Spirit talked to me about the church being in the huddle before a play.  Holy Spirit is the quarterback and the body of Christ is the receiver.  The game or play plan is being given by Holy Spirit and the church is about to break out to line up for the play of a life time.  If we the body do not hear correctly and we do not position ourselves correctly we will not be in position to receive.  The body of Christ is ripe to receive because there is a longing so deep within us for the deeper things of God. 
Martin Luther was a young man studying to be a lawyer who gave his life to Christ because he almost died from a lightning strike.  He became a monk and started to study Romans and other new testament books written by Paul another young lawyer.  Luther had a deep longing, he kept feeling unworthy of God's salvation and love.  Holy Spirit gave him a revelation of salvation being a gift and not something you had to earn or work for.  GOD'S GRACE!  Wow! That revelation changed the church forever. 
We are on the verge of another great reformation in the church.  We must pray for all leadership to have the ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.  Leadership must have the wisdom and discernment to receive and obey when Holy Spirit says "NOW".  The body of Christ must brake out of the huddle and get into the positions given and obey no matter what it may look like to our eyes or to the world.

1 comment:

  1. I so often find that when I hear God speak to me that he is speaking and calling to the person/warrior chick that he see...not the Lisa that I see myself as! Thank you Jesus that you see more in me than I see in myself!
    Love you ladies!
